316 E. High St Pottstown, PA 19464
We are a community of believers, devoted to Jesus, who gather to worship God with the centuries' old Book of Common Prayer. Come, experience the sanctifying grace and love of Christ. Find a place of belonging. Will you join us?
8:00 AM Holy Eucharist - A meditative service with no music that follows Rite I (traditional language) of The Book of Common Prayer.
9:15 Rector's Forum and Coffee Hour - A time of discussion, where we dive into the mystery and biblical truth reflected in the centuries old Christian faith of the old and new testament. And enjoy coffee and food while we're at it.
9:15 Church School - A time for children & youth to explore their faith using curriculum from storymakersnyc, guiding them through Bible lessons with caring, creative, and compassionate adult leader.
10:30 AM Holy Eucharist - A full, choral service with choir and organ that follows Rite II (contemporary language) of
The Book of Common Prayer. Nursery Care available.
9:30 AM Holy Eucharist - A simple, said Eucharist in the Chapel.
5:30 PM Soup & Book Study - A Lenten offering from March 12 through April 9, we'll gather to eat a simple meal and discuss chapters from Rowan William's Tokens of Trust. To register your interest, click here.
12:00 PM Stations of the Cross - A brief form of devotional prayer each Friday during Lent (March 14 - April 11).
Physical address: 316 E. High St Pottstown, PA 19464
Mailing address: PO Box 252 Pottstown, PA 19464
Phone: 610-323-2895
On-street parking is available in front of the church. You may also park for free on Sundays in the municipal parking lots at the corner of N. Evans and High St., or at the corner of Charlotte and High St.